

american cockroach


Size: Usually 1.5 inches

Color: Red-ish Brown


  • 14-16 eggs/capsule;
  • 15-90 capsules/lifetime

Usually Found: Sewers, Warehouses

Can Climb: Not Good

Can Fly: Yes


  • Egg: 50-55 days
  • Nymph: 160-971 days
  • Adult: 14-15 months
german cockroach


Size: 0.5 to 0.75 inches

Color: Medium Brown


  • 30-48 eggs/capsule
  • 4-8 capsules/lifetime

Usually Found: Anywhere

Can Climb: Yes

Can Fly: No


  • Egg: 20-30 days
  • Nymph: 40-125 days
  • Adult: up to 1 year
oriental cockroach


Size: 1 to 1.25 inches

Color: Dark Brown – Black


  • 16 eggs/capsule
  • 8 capsules/lifetime

Usually Found: Swimming Pool, Bakeries, Dairies

Can Climb: Not Good

Can Fly: No


  • Egg: 1-5 days
  • Adult: 34 to 181 days


Cockroaches can enter your home easily in many different ways. Most common ways that it enters a home are through cracks and crevices, drainages, and even boxes and grocery bags that we bring home.

Ideal Environment

Once cockroaches have penetrated your home, it can easily survive and reproduce. Unlike other pests, cockroaches can remain active all year round with proper food, water, warmth and nesting sites.


Cockroaches reproduce very fast. They have the ability to lay eggs that hatch every 20-30 days, up to 8 times in a lifetime. Each egg capsule contains 30-48 nymphs depending on the availability of food in the area. The dirtier the environment, the more cockroaches can reproduce. A single cockroach can lay an average of 26 eggs per capsule and can reproduce an average of 35 capsules per lifetime (average came from all 3 types of cockroach).


The debris created by cast-off cockroach skins, dead bodies and droppings can aggravate allergies, especially in children and sensitive individuals.

“Band-Aid” Solution

In order to prevent attracting cockroaches, it is important not to leave any leftover food and organic waste in the area (dirty dishes, opened food containers, leftover waste bins).

Boxes, bags and food packages that usually stay on a storage area should be periodically checked for the presence of ootheca (cockroach egg).

Signs of Infestation

Knowing that cockroaches are typically nocturnal. Seeing a cockroach at daytime is a possible sign that they were forced out by an overpopulated nesting site.

Cockroaches prove to be better hiders than we are seekers. Without any equipment and knowledge on how to eliminate it professionally, cockroach control will be a battle you cannot win.

Prevention and Control

Mechanical (Clients, Tenants, Housekeeping)

  • Proper Sanitation
  • Seal all crack and crevices (silicone or cement)
  • Avoid putting leftover food in waste water
  • Avoid keeping dirty dishes overnight
  • Delivery boxes should be taken outside
    • Eliminate breeding and hiding sites
  • Remove all organic materials from kitchen equipment after use

Chemical (Pest Control Provider)

  • Residual spraying on baseboards, cracks and crevices
  • Non-residual spraying in CR drains, greasy areas, sewer
  • Get baiting in cabinets and other areas that cannot be sprayed